When I first became a believer in Yeshua, I was involved with someone the Lord, as well as my mother (!), were not pleased with. During that time, a stranger came up to me saying she was told by God that she needed to tell me something. She told me about a cartoon she saw in a magazine. There was this little girl who was cradling a puka shell necklace, which showed how much she loved it. Her father called to her and when she came to him he asked her, “Do you love me?” She said, “Of course, Daddy.” So he then said, “If you love me, would you give me your necklace?” She reluctantly gave it to him. The stranger then told me you could see the little girl was now older and once again her daddy called her to come to him. When she went to him, he presented her with a beautiful pearl necklace. I knew immediately this was a message from my Heavenly Father! My Abba.
About a year and a half later, I had left New York and moved to Chicago and there I met Michael–my pearl necklace. Now actually when I first met him, he didn’t seem all that interested in me—not until I prayed with a friend of mine. When my friend Seth asked what he could pray about for me I told him that I had met this guy and knew we were meant for each other.However, I seemed alone in this belief. So Seth prayed, “Lord open Michael’s eyes to see Mimi for who she is.”
I have to admit I then kind of pursued Michael. I was going to a nursing home where I did a Bible study with two women. I knew Michael loved sharing about our Messiah, so when I invited him to come with me to this study, he agreed. During the study Michael was telling the women about Moses and the burning bush. At that time my hair was red. So, Michael, as he was explaining the burning bush, turned to me to say “it’s like her hair.” But he looked at me very differently. When we left the nursing home, we went out for coffee. He then told me “God opened my eyes to see you for who you are, and I want to court you.” We were married about six months later.
After thirty-three years together, Yeshua called him home. My Abba Father is now holding the gift of love He gave me, my pearl necklace, Michael—only one day He will again present this gift of love back to me. Thank You, Yeshua, for your redeeming love.